April 2012

Don't just wait--create your job. You’re not done with Trinity yet, but it’s not too soon to consider your plan of attack for landing the position you prize. The process of applying for a job is more formal/standardized in some professions than others, but passivity is never an asset for job hunting. 

Here are some tips for taking initiative: 

Groundwork: Figure out which careers or specific jobs appeal most to you. Read what’s been written about the position you want and consult with your peers, professors, and career services professionals. Gather names of people who do what you think you want to do.
Practice: Tap your human resources to help hone a clear, concise, and compelling explanation of who you are and what assets you offer. You don’t even have to directly ask for a job; simply asking for insights and suggestions conveys your goals and your respect for your conversation partner. 
Action: Initiate conversations—lots of them. It’s not weird to make uninvited contacts; would you feel annoyed if you encountered someone who wanted to walk in your shoes? 
Persistence: Repeat actions above as necessary until breakthrough. You don't have to pester--just knock on different doors until some open for you.
Harry Wallace
Class Marshal 

Newly Elected ASR President and Vice President

Alternative Spring Break 2012 - Dominica

Student Organization Training 2012 is around the corner - Sunday, April 15.
This year's format is different than previous years based on feedback from YOU. Please be sure to thoroughly read this e-mail and visit the Student Organization Training Web site. As the outgoing leadership for your organization, you are responsible for passing this along to newly elected officers and ensuring they register appropriately. Presidents and officers must register by midnight on Monday, April 9more>> 

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month
It’s often hard to know how to respond to a sexual assault survivor, but two things are of critical importance.  First, an empathic response that communicates your concern will show the survivor that you are willing to listen nonjudgmentally and offer support throughout the healing process.  You will want to communicate that the assault is not the survivor’s fault and that you are available to talk at any time.  Second, it is essential for a sexual assault survivor to have as much control as possible in handling the events following the assault.  This pertains to everything from how much information s/he chooses to share with you to decisions about whether to take any disciplinary or judicial action about the assault.  For more information about helping a survivor, click here, and visit Trinity’s Sexual Assault Web site. Survivors of sexual assault may wish to make an appointment with a counselor at Counseling Services.

The University Standards Committee meets annually to review, revise, and update Trinity University policies. Student representatives to the committee are Logan Walsh, Joseph Moore, and Kelly Wilson. Major revisions of policy often take a lot of time and require involvement of many. If you have such ideas to propose, please start now by contacting these students or Dean of Students, David Tuttle at dtuttle@trinity.edu. Any ideas are welcome from the community.

ARAMARK Dining Services is thrilled to announce that our RFoC Mabee Dining Hall is now a member of the San Antonio ¡Por Vida! Program. By participating, our residential dining facility will provide students and faculty valuable information allowing them to make healthier food choices.  more>>

-By Reverend Stephen Nickle
Faith informing service, informing faith, informing.... Three Christian fellowships mounted mission trips over spring break: Reformed University Fellowship journeyed to Laredo, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship journeyed to Arkansas, and The Well journeyed to the Dominican Republic!  Click on the above links to view photos and read more about the journeys. 

Summer/Part-Time Job Fair
Wednesday, April 11, 11 a.m. – 2 p.m., Coates Plaza
Juniors, think about how you can effectively use this summer to gain experience that will help you transition into life after college next year.  Summer employment is a fantastic way to boost your resume and get some experience in the workplace!  Stop by the Job Fair to meet face-to-face with recruiters from a variety of organizations looking to fill summer or part-time openings!  Please dress professionally and bring copies of your resume.  You’ll find a complete list of attending employers in TigerJobs.

National Student Employment Week (NSEW) Reception
Monday, April 16, 3 – 4 p.m., Fiesta Room
Student assistants, you and your supervisor are invited to this reception to recognize the valuable contributions you make to Trinity University.  Refreshments will be served, and even if you’re busy during this time, feel free to stop by and grab some goodies on the go. 

March 2012

Grad School vs. Going to Work

Harry Wallace, Class Marshal 
Hmmm. I'll focus my response narrowly on the hypothetical example of students with a bachelor's degree who want to start a fulfilling career sooner than later, cannot easily gain access to desirable careers on the basis of their modest undergraduate achievements and employment history, and are not so sure about which career they would find most fulfilling. Note: Any resemblance between the author's biography and the situation of the students in this hypothetical example is purely coincidental. 

Should such students keep waiting tables until stronger inspiration strikes or would they be better off just going to (and paying for) a grad school program that could launch a reasonably attractive career? Tough call: Debt is a drag, but time is money too. 

I'll just offer two thoughts: 
1) If you choose grad school, apply only to well-respected programs and don't mess around once you're in--an extra degree with a weak portfolio and lukewarm letters of rec probably won't do much for your career prospects.  
2) Inspiration promotes productivity, but productivity can also inspire. After people develop expertise germane to a specific career, they tend to find that career more appealing.

Mary Ullmann Japhet, Alumni Sponsor
When I graduated from Trinity, I entered a field that cared very little about my GPA and not at all about a graduate degree.  In broadcast journalism, it was (and still is in large part) all about your work history.  Employers were far more interested in my demo reel and who hired me last.  They appreciated that I had graduated from a respected university, but that was good enough for them.  And that suited me just fine; I was ready to get to work!  I don’t think having a graduate degree would have had a significant impact on my career trajectory in the broadcasting, production and communications world, but these days I find myself wishing I had a masters.   Unfortunately, they don’t just give you a degree; you have to earn it.  Right now with a full time job, a very busy community life, two kids, a husband and a dog, I don’t have the time to earn it.  I’ve given serious thought to starting on a master’s program, but haven’t pulled the trigger because I know some other aspect of my life would suffer greatly if I devoted the time to school.  Some day, when my kids are older….

I believe you have to know yourself, understand what your particular field of employment requires and have a sense of purpose before deciding the grad school or work conundrum.  However, if you think grad school is in your future, I’d encourage you to do it sooner than later before life gets in the way.

Registration Requirement
Beginning March 5, all students planning to register for fall classes are required to provide proof of Health Insurance. 

Students with personal health insurance must provide their information with the online waiver and will need their personal health insurance card to complete this task.  Please enter the information accurately.  Coverage will be verified.  Y
ou will receive an e-mail confirmation when the process has been completed.  
Students covered by the Trinity sponsored Student Health Insurance Plan or without personal health insurance must enroll for the 2012-2013 academic year.  The premium of $1113 for 12 months will be added to your University bill in the summer.  There is no need to pay at this time.  Click here to enroll online.  You will receive an e-mail confirmation when the enrollment is complete.

This is the time of year to take advantage of all the opportunities Career Services has to offer!  We want to help prepare you for your next step after college, and we’re here to help you explore any ideas or questions you may have about your career path!  Now is the ideal time to start looking at summer internships, so schedule an appointment with one of our Career Counselors who can help tidy up your resume, give you some interview advice, introduce you to a variety of internships, and help you prepare for the 2012 Spring Career Fair! 

3/7/2012 (Wednesday), 2012 Spring Career Fair, Laurie Auditorium, 11 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Come meet face-to-face with representatives from a variety of employers!  Whether you're looking for an internship or a full-time position, you'll find a wide variety of opportunities!  Check out TigerJobs for a complete list of attending employers.  Please bring at least 10 copies of your resume, and dress professionally!

Click here to view Career Services Recruiting Events during March.

Trinity Graduates Write-Up
Your junior year is a time for celebration and looking to the future, but financial troubles can crop up slowly or hit unexpectedly at anytime. The good news is you don’t have to face those problems alone. Consumer Credit Counseling Service of Greater San Antonio (CCCSSA) is a nonprofit financial counseling agency that offers resources for students and alumni to pay off their debt. We know student loans can be overwhelming and that deferring or defaulting on them puts your credit at stake. Before it comes to that, let CCCSSA offer you professional guidance on developing a student loan repayment plan. Our counselors are certified to help you create a budget that meets your needs and an action plan for paying off your debt. The initial session is free so you have nothing to lose. To schedule an appointment, call CCCSSA at 210-979-4300, or visit our Web site. You can also find us on Facebook and Twitter!

Important Reminders

Saturday, March 17  Electrical power outage scheduled
4:30 - 5 a.m.  Entire campus

5 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Lower campus only
12:30 - 1 p.m. Entire campus

Sunday, March 18  There will be limited road access on campus in the morning because of the Alamo Half Marathon.