Harry Wallace
Class Marshal
Class Marshal
And my two cents!
And as you’re considering that senior year bucket list, I’d
encourage you to begin to think about your transition to “life after
Trinity”. What can you do now to be as
ready as possible for the day the Trinity/parental safety net is no longer
there? Network! If you have strings, now is the time to pull
them. If you don’t, plan to cultivate
the relationships that could lead to that first, great job a year from
now. Of course, you all know the
importance of internships, and I’ll bet most of you have already had an
internship or have them scheduled between now and next May. You can also reach out to Trinity alumni in
San Antonio or your hometowns this summer.
Ask the Alumni office for help to identify alumni working in fields in
which you’re interested then ask for a quick meeting with them. Most of the alumni I know would be thrilled
to visit with you and share a few pointers about preparing to enter their
profession. We’ve all been where you are
now and someone helped us along the way.
Have a happy, safe summer!
Mary Ullmann Japhet
Alumni Sponsor
Handbell Ensemble Concert Video
In case you missed it, here is a segment of the Trinity University
Handbell Ensemble and Trinity Brass concert preview held in the Coates Lobby.

Summer approaches. Whether you will be going home for the summer, staying in San Antonio, or going elsewhere, you are adjusting to the inevitable changes in relationships that happen in college. more>>
Juniors, can you believe
that this time next year, you’ll be getting ready for graduation? The time is going to fly by, so start
preparing yourself now for your transition into life after college. If you haven’t already, this summer
would be a good time to consider what you want to do after graduation. Remember that we at Career Services are
available to meet with you (in person or via Skype!) over the summer to discuss
career options or help you look for fall internships. To schedule an appointment with a Career Advisor, call
210-999-8321. We wish you a great
summer break and look forward to your return in August. Are you using TigerJobs
to find jobs (summer/part-time) and internships? Contact Career
Services with questions at careerservices@trinity.edu.
Senior Year Experience is a committee of students, faculty,
and staff committed to offering programs and services just for
seniors. Our mission is to provide education, resources, and programming to
support and celebrate seniors' transition to life after Trinity
University. If you are interested in being a part of the committee that
plans the senior year events, click here!
You have two options!
2. Stop by the Mail Center and fill out a Mail Forwarding Form
Note: If you have completed this form online. Please disregard!
Apply for Graduation
If you are planning to graduate next fall, December 2012,
you must apply for graduation by April 30. If you plan to graduate this summer,
August 2012, you must apply by June 30. The graduation application is on TigerPAWS.
Summer Storage Trinity University will not store
items over the summer. Click here for a list of summer storage options
in San Antonio.
The Library Flash Rave
has quickly become a beloved tradition, but over the past couple semesters, it
has become a destructive tradition...which can't continue. The Student
Programming Board has graciously stepped in to coordinate this event, but they
need some help from you to ensure this tradition can last for years to come. more>>

Mabuhay Festival
Trinity Diversity Connection hosted Taste of Diversity on April 13 in the Storch Courtyard. This event allowed people to sample foods from different cultures from Caribbean food to Korean food to Indian food. Several organizations showcased their talents with dance and music at the Taste of Diversity. more>>
Student Organization Training
Congratulations to our
2012-2013 student organization leaders! On Sunday, April 15 more than 200
students gathered for annual Student Organization Training. Presidents, vice
presidents, treasurers, service chairs, PR chairs, risk managers,
rush/orientation chairs, and more attended sessions that will help their
organizations be successful next year. View the agenda and risk management
training videos online. more>> Plan NOW to be involved in the fall!
Team Trinity Move-in Crew
Per our annual tradition students are invited to participate in move-in day for new students. Student volunteers will be required to arrive by 5 p.m. Wednesday, August 15 to move in new students on Thursday morning, August 16. If you are interested, regardless of ability, please consider joining others by signing up through the Team Trinity survey link.
Sexual Assault Survivor Advocates
Sign up to be listed as an advocate for those needing assistance related to sexual assault. Participation requires availability for several hours of training and orientation early in the fall semester. Participants must be willing to list some direct telephone contact information publicly. Please consider participating in this program by signing up through the Advocates survey link.
Half Marathon
Please join me for the Fifth Annual Dean of Students Half Marathon Challenge and Kayla Mire Food Drive. The race will be part of the San Antonio Rock 'n' Roll Marathon and Half Marathon on Sunday, November 11, 2012. By registering for the official race as a member of the Trinity team, runners receive a $10 registration discount. If you register before May 1, you also save $25. Click here to view a video. Sign up through the Half Marathon survey link. This does not commit you to the race yet. You are only signing up to express interest in the Trinity training program. If you build up a running/walking base of three to four miles, you can accomplish this milestone!
The D.R. Semmes Family YMCA at Tri-Point is again offering special group rates to Trinity University students for 2012-13. If you sign-up by May 18, you will receive one month free in addition to the Student Group Rate. $20 per month, for an incredible rate of $180 per year, minus one month for a total fee of $160! This is due in full upon return to campus in August. Sign up through the YMCA survey link.