October 2012

Get your story straight! Success in transitioning to the career of your choice will partly depend on your ability to provide a convincing on-the-spot narrative of your history and plans. more>>

Harry Wallace               
Class Marshal
It’s your future.  Don’t procrastinate!
Dr. Wallace’s message about defining your personal story is solid advice.  I know you’ll get to it, right?  Stop!  Do it now.  You’re a senior and time’s a wastin’.  I’m not trying to scare you, but things are happening now that can have a major impact on your future.  more>>
Mary Ullman Japhet
Alumni Sponsor

Trinity University partnered with Southwestern University to provide an overnight Multicultural Retreat on September 7-8, 2012. The purpose of the retreat was to establish relationships amongst students of diverse identities. Students learned to identify areas of privilege, power, and oppression via open dialogues and workshops around various diversity topics. Trinity University and Southwestern University provided tools and skills to challenge the systems of oppression and build/promote activism around campus. Students engaged in powerful conversations that examine their individual identities and the concept of privilege and allyship.

Get Your Flu Vaccination Now
Can you afford to miss classes or activities for the flu? Flu vaccine is available now in Health Services. more>>

Health Has Its Rewards
In late spring of 2012 the staff of Health Services and Counseling Services administered the National College Health Assessment (NCHA), a nationally-normed survey of college students’ health-related behaviors.  Students were encouraged to respond to the rather lengthy survey by the opportunity to win one of two prizes – an Apple iPad and a membership in the nearby YMCA for the 2012-2013 academic year.

Pictured below are our two winners, Molly Zumbro and Aaron Skinner receiving their prizes from Dr. Gary Neal, director of Counseling and Health Services.  The results of the NCHA will be used to inform health-related programming and services provided by Health Services and Counseling Services.

Making Time for the Grad School or Job Search
We know you’re busy with school work, but it’s time to start thinking about researching and applying for graduate school programs and jobs. Here’s a tip to manage it all: think of the grad school/job research and application process as a class that requires a few hours of homework each week.  Include research and application tasks in your weekly schedule along with your academic assignments. Plan your weekly task schedule based on due dates that are approaching during the next two weeks for both classes and the grad school/job search.  For more time management strategies, visit the Time and Task Management section of the Counseling Services self-help Web page.

Dear Seniors,
Graduation is quickly approaching, so start preparing yourself for your next steps now!  This month, Career Services is hosting multiple events that will train you in professionalism and teach you about different industries – information you will find invaluable once you’re out in the “real world.”  Most importantly, this month you have the opportunity to meet with employers at the Fall Career Fair! Employers are recruiting – where will you be? Also, check out our on-campus interviews this month, and take advantage of this opportunity to secure a job before graduation.  Visit our website or TigerJobs for more information. more>>

Senior Year Experience section
Graduation Applications: The Registrar's Office is now accepting applications for May 2013 graduation. If this is your expected graduation date, you must apply for graduation on TigerPaws by Saturday, December 1. If you are expecting to graduate this December, but have not applied, you must contact the Registrar's Office immediately at ext. 7201.

Student Commencement Speaker for December
December graduates interested in serving on the committee to select a student commencement speaker – or interested in being said speaker – e-mail Dean Tuttle at

Mission Change: Your mission is to enhance your leadership and team development skills by engaging alumni, San Antonio leaders, and the city through service. Meetings occur on Wednesdays beginning October 10. Register by September 28 to participate! Visit Mission: Change for more information.

Student Leader Spotlight: Submit a nomination today for this month’s Student Leader Spotlight! Nominations are collected on a rolling basis and will be considered for multiple months. Learn more about recognition opportunities.

2012 Student Leadership Conference 
Are you going to the STUDENT LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE on Saturday, October 20? Register today! (Deadline to register is Monday, October 15.) The conference includes an alumni networking lunch, breakout sessions, and a keynote speaker.

Alternative Spring Break
Seniors! Were you unable to go abroad during your college career? Are you still looking for a final opportunity to go abroad before graduation? Or, do you just want to have an amazing final spring break? If you answered yes to any of the above questions, consider applying to go on Alternative Spring Break in Dominica – a beautiful Caribbean island!  We will be diving into an international service experience by volunteering in a school for children with special needs.  Additionally, we will be traveling the island and learning all about the unique Dominican culture. This one-week program is a rewarding experience abroad that you will never forget! Stop by the Alternative Spring Break Open House in Java City from 6-9 p.m. on October 10 where you can learn all about this once-in-a-lifetime experience! Applications are due on October 22, and discounts are available to those who qualify. Contact Edwin Blanton in CCI, eblanton@trinity.edu, or Sara Miller, the ASB Intern, smiller7@trinity.edu, for more information!

Voter Registration
Are you registered to vote?  The final day to register to vote and still be eligible to participate in this November’s election is Tuesday, October 9.  A voter registration table will be in Coates Lobby from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. that day.  You may also stop by the Witt Center from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.  Any questions, please contact Edwin Blanton, coordinator for community service & engagement at eblanton@trinity.edu.

Dining Services
Jurgens Roast
Our TSA foster puppy turns one October 5 and will return to Lackland Air Force Base to begin formal detection training. We will wish Jurgens happy birthday and good luck with a Trinity-style roast Tuesday, Oct. 2, at 6:30 p.m. in the Fiesta Room. Contact Katharine Martin if you have something to say about “the most energetic and obstinate yellow Labrador puppy this side of the Mississippi.”

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We don’t got ya covered…
Trinity University is NOT responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged student property. While most student possessions are covered by family insurance plans,
National Student Services, Inc. offers a low premium/low deductible option that you may wish to consider.

Know your rights
The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) urges students to know their right. Do you know yours? You can learn more from the University’s statement on rights and responsibilities and a more specific look at residence hall procedural rights as posted on the Student Conduct page.  How are we doing? Send comments or concerns to the dean of Students at dtuttle@trinity.edu.