Alumni Sponsor - February 2013

Seniors, as exciting as your impending graduation may be, I'm sure some of you are nervous about life after Trinity.  If you have a job locked down or your grad school acceptance in hand, mazel tov! If not, it's not too late to get meaningful, real world experience to enhance your resume.  Many companies and nonprofit organizations still have internships available for the semester.  Shameless plug: The nonprofit I work for, San Antonio Sports, needs a marketing intern.  Interested?  Please let me know.

Nonprofits also offer short-term volunteer opportunities. It may take a little leg work, but you can find something relevant to your area of interest. If you're an accounting major, help a nonprofit manage its gala's silent auction.  You'll learn about working in teams, pricing, and have the opportunity to rub elbows with professionals in the worlds of accounting and banking. 

Want a career in art? Volunteer at a community art center like
Inspire Fine Art Center, whose founder and executive director, Susan Montagna, is a Trinity business graduate. Check out the volunteer opportunities listed at, an innovative website designed to help San Antonio become a world-class city in 11 sectors.  You can do this. Best of luck!

Mary Ullmann Japhet
Alumni Sponsor