Alumni Sponsor - September 2012

Welcome back, Class of 2013!
When I agreed to be the alumni sponsor for your class, 2013 seemed so far away.  Not anymore.  And as surprised as I am by the rapid passage of time, I’m sure you’re even more amazed that in just a few months you’ll be leaving campus for new jobs or grad school.  I hope you view this next phase of your life with excitement and happy anticipation, not dread.   Either way, you can do something to position yourself well for what is to come.

Dr. Wallace, your class marshal, has great ideas for making the most of your last year at TU.  My job is to help you orient yourself to the world beyond Trinity Hill.   The best advice I can give as you begin your senior year is to think seriously and strategically about expanding your professional networks.  Now is the time to identify the alumni who are working in your chosen field and make contacts.  If they’re here in San Antonio, set up an informational interview and get to know them.  More importantly, let them get to know you!  Interested in the nonprofit world?   Volunteer in organizations that appeal to you professionally, not just because you believe in the cause.  Take advantage of all the resources Dr. Hirsch and the good folks at Trinity Career Services make available, beginning with Making Connections on Sept. 20.  Need some help?  E-mail me and just ask.

Mary Ullmann Japhet, your friendly alumni sponsor