Annual Alcohol Notice - September 2012

Remember that the alcohol policy features this Responsible Friend clause:
Students who are concerned about the immediate health and safety of other students because of dangerous drinking should call a helping professional. In such cases none of the students involved are referred for judicial action and there are no other requirements or parental notifications.

Consider the following as guidelines that are generally followed in order to provide consistent parameters.

First sanction
- Limited warning for the time remaining at Trinity University (this warning status is in place only for further alcohol violations: a second violation leads to a broader general warning).
- A fine of $50 to $100. Revenue from fines is applied directly to on-line educational alcohol courses for future entering classes at Trinity.
- Participation in an on-line educational course (with a $35 fee).
- Parental notification if alcohol infraction is coupled with other simultaneous violations of policy.
- Alcohol-use consultation if warranted based on severity (a meeting with a staff member to assess if there may be potential problematic drinking).

Second sanction
- General warning for the time remaining at Trinity University (any violation while on general warning may result in suspension).
- Parental notification
- Alcohol-use consultation (a meeting with a staff member to assess if there may be potential problematic drinking).

Third alcohol violation
- General probation and/or suspension for at least one semester.

First sanction
- General warning for the time remaining at Trinity, (any violation while on general warning may result in suspension).
- Parental notification
- Participation in an on-line educational course (with a $35 fee).
- Depending on seriousness (usually involving large quantities and/or distribution), potential general probation and/or suspension for at least one semester.

Second sanction
General probation and/or suspension for at least one semester.