Class Marshal - November 2012

         Hello seniors, welcome to November. Two thoughts to share this month. The first is a nag: Don’t be that person….get your graduation application materials together. Powers that be tell me that every year some Trinity students fail to graduate on time simply because they didn’t get around to completing the paperwork.  I know you’re super busy, but handling your business now will eliminate one potential source of significant future stress.  The deadline to apply for May 2013 graduation is December 1, 2012.  That date is fast approaching.   

          My second thought is a warm and fuzzy Thanksgiving shout-out. Kudos to you on behalf of the Trinity faculty and staff for all the subtle little things you do that help us feel good about the work we do. The inspiration you take from receiving small gestures of appreciation, understanding, or even mere acknowledgment from others is not something you will ever outgrow. Don’t underestimate your power to make someone’s day—even if that someone is grizzled and grumpy and seemingly would have no reason to care about what a 21-year old thinks. We notice, and it matters. Thank you!

Harry Wallace, 2013 Class Marshal