Recognition - January 2013

There are two separate awards opportunities: Student Service Awards (awarded by the National Alumni Board) and the Student Leadership Awards (awarded by the Division of Student Affairs). Eligibility, criteria, and nomination instructions are unique for each process.

The Trinity University Alumni Association recognizes two seniors each year, one for service to the University, and the other for service to the San Antonio community. The awards will be presented at the Honor Awards Convocation on April 6 during Spring Family Weekend. Selected by a panel of Trinity alumni, each honoree receives a $250 cash prize. The deadline to submit nominations is Friday, February 1, 2013.

TUAA Award for Student Service to the University: The Trinity University Alumni Association recognizes a senior each year for outstanding service to the University. This student promotes building lifelong relationships between and among current students, the campus community and alumni by making significant contributions to the Trinity community through their service, initiative, leadership and loyalty to the University.

TUAA Award for Student Service to San Antonio: The Trinity University Alumni Association recognizes a senior each year for outstanding service to the San Antonio community. This student promotes building lifelong relationships between the Trinity community and the city of San Antonio through service, a new program, or an event that promotes Trinity to the greater San Antonio area.

To nominate a senior, please complete the nomination form by Friday, February 1, 2013. Eligibility and selection details are available online.

We are accepting nominations for the following awards:

Individual Awards
Presidential Awards of Excellence (3-10 recipients)
The Roman M. Lubetzky KINDness Award (1 recipient)
Dr. Coleen Grissom Continued Commitment & Dedication Award (1-5 recipients)
Thurman Adkins “Unsung Hero” Award (1 recipient)
Diversity & Inclusion Award (1 recipient)
Emerging Student Leader (1 recipient)

Student Organization/Group Awards
Student Organization of the Year
Diversity & Inclusion Award
Emerging Student Organization of the Year
Student Organization Program of the Year

Award descriptions and nomination instructions can be found online. All materials are due to Campus & Community Involvement by Friday, January 25, 2012 at 5 p.m. (Coates University Center, Suite 104 or campus box #51). Electronic submissions may be sent to Late or incomplete applications will not be accepted.

View last year’s Student Service Award and Student Leadership Award recipients.

Thank you!

Alumni Relations
Division of Student Affairs